This article discusses and/or reports on the topic of suicide. If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.
As rainy winter approaches Lebanon, our hearts cry for the cold and hungry living in different areas of Lebanon. Some citizens have revealed symptoms of despair at the total lack of the government’s response to the sufferings of the people, and the number of those in need is only getting bigger by the day.
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In reaction to recent suicides, the Lebanese people have reacted with remarkable actions at the individual levels. They are indeed showing their true colors now more than ever, proven to be formidable in their humanity, with everyone running around offering as little as they can afford to help lessen the severity of the situation on each other.
In Tripoli, the residents are actively ensuring to feed daily over 2000 people for free. In Tyre, the residents are also fighting back in unity, providing food, clothing, and supplies to help the most disadvantaged among them. And there is more of such amazing heartwarming actions of support, with individual initiatives, that speak of the beauty of the souls of the Lebanese people.
#1 This guy offering to tutor kids and share his mum’s cooking
His FB post says: “I come from a modest house, with a middle-class salary. My mum and dad are normal people and our conditions are affected by the ups and downs of this country. My conditions and my parents’ conditions are just like other people and I thank God for everything. I am willing to help any family that has kids and is in need of a tutor (…)”
“My mother cooks every day. Anyone who is in need can consider our kitchen and house his/hers. I ask you not to hesitate on visiting us. I’m even willing to go your way. Please do not be shy, we are all the same and we are all here for each other.”
#2 This reporter offering his house for shelter
“If you’re hungry my house is full of thyme and olive oil and love, and we have enough flour and two empty rooms but please #donotcommitsuicide.”
#3 This dentist offering free dentistry
“My fellow people… Due to the hard-living conditions the country is suffering from, starting tomorrow my clinic is open for free appointments to anyone who cannot pay for emergency situations.”
#4 This restaurant is giving the diaspora a way to help families affected in Lebanon
“Due to the constant decline in our economy we’ve decided to focus our energy in December to help Lebanese families in need. If you live abroad and you like to contribute you can order food online from Boutata on Zomato and write in the instructions “to the needy.” We will randomly visit different families on a daily basis and deliver food.”
#5 A Booth of “take what you need” in Riad Solh
“There’s a setup “take what you need booth” in Riad Solh where books, clothes, and toys will be donated and people can come to take anything they need free of charge.”
#6 A group of youth offering meds, food, and clothes
“We are a group of youths able to help by providing medicine, food, drink, clothes, warmth, etc. Any person in need of us or knows someone that might be in need of us do not hesitate to contact us.”
#7 Another youth group offering money to help pay hospital charges
نحن مجموعة شباب قادرين نساعد بمبالغ بسيطة شهرياً، قادرين نساعد بشراء ادوية، دفع او مشاركة بفاتورة مستشفى، قادرين نساعد بأجار بيت شهر او تنين. نحن مستعدين نساهم قدر المستطاع اي شخص بحس انو بدو مساعدة. المهم ما نفيق نلاقي حد منتحر لأسباب تافهة.
ما تيتموا ولادكم ع بكير.— توفيق س. المصري (@elmasriT) December 4, 2019
“We are a group of young people who are able to help with simple amounts of money every month. We are able to help with buying medicines, and paying or sharing a hospital bill. We are also able to help with a month’s rent. We are ready to contribute as much as possible to anyone who needs it.”
#8 They are also offering to pay rental debts and school tuition fees.
عم نحاول نساعد كل الناس، جماعة المكسور اجار بيتهم بدنا رقم صاحب البيت، وبدنا اسم ورقم المستأجر.
الأدوية بدنا روشيتا بإسم الدوا.
الناس المكسورة ع اقساط البيوت بدنا وراق المدرسة.
نحن ما منوزع مصاري يا جماعة وما منشتري ايفونات لحد.— توفيق س. المصري (@elmasriT) December 4, 2019
“We are trying to help everyone. Anyone who has rental debts, we need the number of the house’s owner, and we need the name and number of the tenant. For medicine, we need a medical report with the name of the medicine. For people who cannot pay school fees, we need the papers to the school. We do not distribute money and we not buy iPhones to anyone.”
#9 This Mini Market is offering bread for free
“I am your brother in humanity… If you don’t have money, we are with you. Don’t leave your family and commit suicide. Come take bread for free and do not be shy #againstsuicide #weareallbrothersinhumanity.”
#10 A youth initiative is organizing clothes drive, toys drive, and food drive in Riad Solh.
“Moutawen Lebnani” is planning on doing all sorts of drives for donations in Martyr’s Square, Sunday, December 8, at 8:00 am.
#11 This Lebanese fisherman is giving away his daily catches to the needy families
Ibrahim Al-Ashkar, in the city of Tyre, takes his family’s need from the 5 Kg (average) of fish he catches daily and distributes the rest to those who need them the most. Numerous of such individual acts of compassion are also ongoing now in Tyre. Check them out and check the ones in Tripoli.
If you live abroad and want to help, here are 5 Ways You Can Donate To Help.
This article discusses and/or reports on the topic of suicide. If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.