More than 1,000 doctors have emigrated from Lebanon as a result of the economic crisis, according to the head of the Order of Physicians, Sharaf Abou Sharaf.
Speaking to Al-Jadeed on Friday, Abou Sharaf indicated that the migration of doctors from Lebanon has been on the rise.
“Abroad, they know the value of the Lebanese doctor, and there are at least 1,000 doctors who have emigrated,” he said.
“The economic situation is overwhelming the people, the state is bankrupt, and fear and anxiety are predominant,” he added.
Nonetheless, Abou Sharaf insisted that Lebanon “will not collapse, and it has the capabilities to stand on its feet, especially the medical sector.”
He stressed that the official tariff for doctors must be raised due to the economic situation, saying that doctors in Lebanon are currently “working almost for free” with the current tariffs.
Lebanon has been experiencing large waves of emigration since its economic situation began to deteriorate in 2019.
The brain drain has included people from various age groups and sectors.
An all-time high in the emigration rate among the country’s youth was recorded near the end of 2020, with a massive number of Lebanese leaving their country in the aftermath of the deadly August 4 Beirut explosion.