The Lebanese Ministry of Interior has set the dates for holding the upcoming parliamentary elections for 2022, as follows, according to a document obtained by Al-Jadeed:
- November 20th, 2021: Deadline for voters in the diaspora to register
- December 20th, 2021: Deadline for the Foreign Ministry to submit the list of voters in the diaspora
- January 28th, 2022: Press and organizations begin submitting participation applications to the supervisory committee
- February 1st – March 10th: Electoral lists are distributed and published
- February 1st – March 1st: Voter applications for corrections in personal details on electoral lists
- March 8th: Deadline for submission of candidacy
- March 24th: Deadline for candidacy withdrawal

- April 2nd: Deadline for publishing voting locations in the diaspora
- April 8th: Deadline for the supervisory committee to issue applications for international supervisors
- April 18th: Deadline for publishing voting locations in Lebanon
- April 24th: Election day in the diaspora (all non-Arab countries)
- April 29th: Election day in the diaspora (Arab countries)
- May 1st: Voting station employees are appointed
- May 8th: Election day in Lebanon
- June 9th: Deadline for submission of candidates’ financial reports to the supervisory committee
- June 9th: Deadline for submitting appeals to the constitutional council

Sawti, an initiative by Impact Lebanon, is working on mobilizing Lebanese citizens for the upcoming Lebanese elections.