10+ Amazing Facts You Must Know About The Cedars of Lebanon!

Do you know enough about the Cedars of Lebanon? Check out these amazing facts!

#1 It’s the most famous cedar patch and one of the last vestiges of old-growth forests

It is also one of the rarest sites where the Cedrus libani still grows.

#2 King Salomon used cedarwood for his temple

#3 The Phoenicians used cedar wood to build their ships

That’s how Phoenicia became the world’s first sea-trading civilization.

#4 Cedar trees symbolize resilience, immortality, strength, and elevation

#5 The mountains of Lebanon were once covered with Cedar trees

That’s why it is the Lebanese national emblem.

#6 The word “cedar” was mentioned 103 times in the Bible

#7 The Cedars of God is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

…along with the Holy Valley, Byblos, Baalbek, Anjar, and Tyre.

#8 Cedar trees survive five millenniums

#9 The forest is rigorously protected, but it is possible to visit it

#10 The cedars can survive in a challenging environment

However, global warming is killing them because they cannot adapt to warm temperatures and dry atmospheres. 

#11 Arz Jaj is a nature reserve located in Byblos

It is a forest that encloses hundreds of cedar trees that are between 1200 and 2000 years old.

#12 Tannourine Cedar Forests Nature Reserve protects one of the largest cedar forests in Lebanon

It houses birds, insects, mushrooms, and flowers. It includes many trails that uncover the beauty of Lebanon and its rich culture in different ways.

#13 Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve is the largest reserve in Lebanon

It goes from Dahr Al Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in the south.

It encloses three cedar forests, which constitute 25% of the remaining cedars in Lebanon. This reserve is home to 200 birds that include ones that are rare.