Writer/political commentator Joseph Abu Fadel was always known for his anti-revolution stance and pro-Free Patriotic Movement position.
He was a fierce defender of FPM‘s head Gebran Bassil. But recently, things have changed. Even the most die-hard Aounist is starting to lose faith in the politicians.
In a recent interview on NBN, he spoke out against the government as he expressed his disappointment in the way it is handling the situation in the country.
“Everyone has noticed [the difference between] your stances in the past and your stances today,” the host told him.
“I used to be stupid. I wasn’t looking in front of me,” he said. “I used to listen to their dreams and delusions. But it turned out there’s nothing in the end.”
He went on to criticize the government’s uselessness, poking disapprovingly at the well-known quote “they didn’t let us work” that the FPM is famous for.
“[All these officials in power] and yet, ‘they didn’t let us work?'” he asked rhetorically. “Who’s going to work in the country?”
It is becoming clearer with each day that the politicians at the top are losing support even from within.
Just yesterday, the Lebanese Army Commander himself spoke up against the officials. “Where are we going? What do you intend to do?” he demanded.
The reality that is Lebanon today has become too painful to be denied even by loyal members and fierce supporters of political parties.
That was also noticeable with some pro-Hezbollah people, who joined the recent protests when the local currency exceeded 10,000 LBP/USD.
Currently, protests across the country, caused by the depreciation of the Lira and the ruling body’s extraordinary negligence, have revived the Lebanese revolution, which has always demanded reforms in the country.
Unlike the ruling officials and party partisans, the people of the revolution saw clearly the coming collapse back on October 17th, 2019.
However, instead of heeding the people and rushing to implement crucial reforms, the officials decided to crash the revolution by force, as if silencing them would put an end to the developing crises and impede the imminent collapse.
Obviously, that wasn’t the solution. Things have only gotten worse.