Students of the American University of Beirut (AUB) will now be able to pay their tuition fees at the official exchange rate of 1,500 LBP without facing repercussions from their university.
This is thanks to the legal action taken by a number of AUB students in response to a severe ultimatum from the AUB administration that was putting their education at risk.
Students who paid their tuition legally through a notary public at the exchange rate of 1,500 LBP were threatened with expulsion/deregistration if they did not settle their payments at the 3,900 LBP rate by March 2nd.
AUB students resorted to filing two complaints against their university and just won their first lawsuit in a legal victory that will be remembered in history.
“We are happy to inform you that the AUB administration’s unjust policy of dropping students from their courses and classes because they have delayed their payments by joining the legal process at the notary has been REFUTED and CANCELLED by the judge of urgent matters today,” stated the AUB Secular Club on Twitter.
“All students can pay at the notary to join this safety net we have created without any repercussions from AUB. There is no March 2 in our books. This era is our era, and we refuse to succumb to these repressive measures aimed at making our education inaccessible.”
“Power to the students! Power to all social groups fighting for a better and more just future for our education sector!”