According to the NNA, The Governor of Beirut released a notice to gas station owners in the area to call the hotline 175 to receive support from the ISF and Beirut Rangers Regiment prior to opening.
The statement clarified that the stations are not to be opened until security forces are present to ensure the safety of civilians and gas station owners
The governor also emphasized on the previous notice 5156/2021, which prohibits the sale of gas in plastic containers like bottles and canisters.
This notice came in due to the fights that are happening in fuel stations while people are waiting in queues, which has been a common scene during this fuel crisis.
While this is a good initiative, and even necessary, there lies some doubt among people about how reliable the security could be.
Just recently, a video surfaced of a Security Forces member talking on the phone while a fight was happening right behind him in front of a gas station.