6 best places to enjoy kaak in Lebanon!

Kaak is Lebanese people’s favorite snack! It’s mostly enjoyed with zaatar, Picon, or Nutella! There are many places in Lebanon where you can eat this Lebanese delicacy!


https://www.facebook.com/abdorestaurant/photos/rpp.322185954873229/389964604762030/?type=3&theater Location: Hamra Price: $

Abou Arab

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Locations: Khalde, Ain Saade, Tabarja, Halat, Hadath, Aley, Choueifat, Saida, and Chtaura. Price: $

The Lebanese Bakery

Location: Achrafieh Price: $

Fern Ghattas

Location: Gemmayze Price: $


Location: Tripoli Price: $

Kaak B Semsom

Location: Zahle and Jal El Dib Price: $