Against Animals in Entertainment, an animal rights organization in Lebanon, shared a video of why we should not attend dolphin shows. The reason why this video has been created is that Cirque du Liban is organizing a dolphin show called “Beirut Dolphinarium” near Forum de Beyrouth. It might be fun watching dolphins jumping and moving in a synchronized way. However, the living conditions of these dolphins is unacceptable. Just like all the animals that perform in circuses, they get abused while getting trained. In addition to that, they are kept in small tanks and cages. In the case of dolphins, these marine mammals belong to the ocean, not to a tank. To note, dolphins swim up to 40 miles each day. Imagine how much they are suffering in small swimming pools. Some dolphins get so stressed that they bite visitors. Making animals live outside of their natural habitat and forcing them to perform tricks unnatural to them is considered to be animal abuse. For that reason, Animals Lebanon is urging people not to buy tickets to this show. While many countries have banned dolphin shows, Lebanon is still lagging behind. This is not the first time that Cirque du Liban gets boycotted. Earlier this year, some activists started a
to ban the use of animals in Cirque du Liban. A few years back, Cirque du Liban confirmed in writing that the use of animals in circuses is unethical. However, it seems like it is not looking forward to stopping using animals in its shows.