The cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani, is the national emblem. Donned on our flag, the cedar tree holds great religious and historical significance in the region. In fact, the word “cedar” was mentioned in the Bible countless times.
In the Lebanese town of Bcharre, the Cedars of God, a forest of old-growth cedar located by the Qadisha Valley, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Cedars can be found in forests and nature reserves across Lebanon, such as Cedars of God Bcharre, Tannourine Cedar Forest, Haddath el-Jebbeh Cedar Forest, Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve, Maasser el-Shouf Cedar Reserve, Ain Zhalta – Bmohray Forest, and more.
They are majestic, they are beautiful, they are awe-inspiring, and they are the pride of Lebanon.