Content warning – If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.
When you look at the situation of the country as a whole, you’ll find it devastating.
However, when you dig deep into Lebanese society, neighborhoods, homes, and even on the streets, you will find people’s struggles completely heartbreaking.
Poverty, unemployment, families being torn apart, people with no roofs over their heads, kids going to bed with a hungry stomach, desperate fathers, weeping mothers, etc.

Living conditions for the Lebanese people have become unbearable. Many reached the level of despair, and this is showing every day a little bit more.
If you feel in despair, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace. Call 1564.
The Lebanese people are used to deal with hardships and overcome them, but, this time, something is different.
They don’t see but a continuation of the collapse while the officials’ actions, or lack thereof, don’t match the urgency of the situation.
They’ve hit the streets since last October and long before the current collapse. They chanted, yelled, protested, cried, and staged sit-ins for months, demanding urgent reforms. At no avail.
Instead, they were called “thugs” and worse, and many got arrested, and many continue to get arrested as if their anger is not justified.
Strangely enough, people knew since 2019 that their country was collapsing and needed urgent reforms, while it was up to those managing the country’s affairs to know and act accordingly to prevent it.
Yet, they didn’t …for a reason or another; none of which could be justified.
People regained some hope when the IMF showed up on the Lebanese stage, but all they’ve been seeing and hearing is the ruling elite stalling, for months.
All while the IMF and the international community are showing more eagerness to save the country and the people from their unfurling misery.
People’s stories, pictures, news, and videos are circulating the internet, new and more heartbreaking ones every day. Each shows a specific case and a specific struggle, but all caused by the same predicament.
From empty fridges, acts of despair and hunger crimes, to the woman among other 800+ employees who just got fired, hardship is everywhere.
In fact, Embrace co-founder Mia Atoui told The Daily Star that the suicide prevention hotline has received over 600 calls in a span of one month. The average used to be 300 to 400 calls a month.
Even though the current conditions can’t be the only reason that will lead a person to take such actions, it is definitely a contributing factor.
Content warning – If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.