Honoring its compassionate pledge to help Lebanon through this disaster, Canada continues to lend support and now with particular attention to the Lebanese-Canadians and their relatives in Beirut.
The Federal Government of Canada just decided to facilitate immigration and travel process to Lebanese-Canadians and their close relatives who got impacted by the explosion.
Those among them wishing to go to Canada will now favor the waiving of some immigration fees and the speeding of their applications.

Close relatives of Canadians living in Beirut blasted areas will now have their applications prioritized. The Immigration Department will also rush travel documents for Canadian citizens in Lebanon who will also favor from some fees’ waiving.
“Those who qualify will get help without paying the usual prices for documents and application processing, including citizenship certificates, passports, and work permits,” reported Global News.
These supporting measures will be applicable until the end of January.
Meanwhile, as Beirut struggles to survive a month after the massive stroke that has incapacitated it and its people, Canadian aids continue to be dispatched to Lebanese NGOs to help with their disaster relief efforts.
In addition to the federal government aids and fund matching, the Lebanese diaspora in Canada has been super active amassing donations from local companies and flying them to Lebanon.
Most notably recently, Canada For Lebanon has set up a strategic network of support across Canada, and has been loading planes with aids for NGOs with which they are in direct contact for their pertinent needs.
A plane loaded with 40 tons of food was delivered to the Lebanese Food Bank last week and the second plane took off on Sunday as more are being prepared for different humanitarian organizations across Lebanon.
Lebanese across the world and friends of Lebanon are welcome to support this humanitarian operation here (100% tax-deductible for Canadians) and follow the progress here.
The explosion of Beirut port has crumbled down half the capital to the ground, shattering homes, families, and businesses, and inflicting major distress on the nation.
To top it all, the government and most of its institutions have demonstrated to be remarkably dysfunctional and ineffective, which has left the people to mend on their own to survive… to date.

A month later, and the state hasn’t yet assumed its responsibilities towards the people.
That at a time when the citizens of Lebanon have been long-suffering from several excruciating crises caused by corruption and disregarded by successive governments, including the infamously Ammoniate Nitrate in the port of Beirut and its lethal and paralyzing consequences.