The 2018 movie tells the story of Zain, a Lebanese boy who sues his parents for the “crime” of giving him life.
Capernaum follows Zain on his journey in life – from teenage to adulthood, surviving through his wits on the streets, and fleeing his parent’s negligence.
This is Nadine Labaki’s third motion picture. It is said to be a very emotional and soul touching movie.
The film was announced among the nominees who will compete in the Best Picture – Foreign Language category of the Golden Globe Awards.
The Globe is considered to be one of the most important award ceremonies alongside the Academy Award also known as The Oscars.
Capernaum had already won several prizes such as ‘The Audience Award’ and ‘Best Script’ in the Stockholm Film Festival, ‘Prix Du Jury’ in International Cannes Film Festival, ‘Meilleur Film Etranger’ in Les Globes De Cristal and many more.
You can still catch the movie in theaters near you, it is one not to miss!
Lebanon is proud of Capernaum and Nadine Labaki. Best of luck!
Watch the movie trailer: