This video has taken over the internet in Lebanon for the past couple of days, and it sure left the Lebanese with a lot of questions on their minds.
With the very strict inspection of cars on Lebanese roads regarding license plate numbers and face-masks, this car that had several firearms on display somehow made it smoothly through an army checkpoint.
The video was obviously recorded by a passenger from inside the vehicle, and couldn’t be posted on social media to circulate other than by him. The purpose is unclear.
Check it out:
This concerning incident occurred while the Lebanese people have organized protests in front of the Justice Palace in Beirut against illegal weapons in the country.
The activists’ banners carried statements such as: “No for a state inside of our state”, “No for illegal weapons” and “The decision of war is only in the hand of the Lebanese Army.”
The activists demanded the implementation of UN resolutions, especially resolutions 1559 (foreign forces to withdraw from the country) and 1701 (honoring the ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel).
They also demanded that military weapons be restricted to the Lebanese army only.