Topos Chile, the Chilean search and rescue team, has requested to have full control over the rescue mission of the survivor under the rubbles because there is no agreement between the Civil Defense and the Lebanese Army.
This is yet another disappointing dysfunctional way the government operates, hindering and interfering with important work and progress. This is a matter of life and death and requires focus and teamwork.
Topos Chile is specialized and experienced in saving people from highly critical situations like this one and such an operation should be taken care of by qualified experts.
The Lebanese army forced the shutdown of the heroic rescue, but volunteers kept searching. After declaring the postponing of the rescue efforts until tomorrow morning, the army has now given in to the pressures, bringing in a crane and resuming the resue.
Civil Defense and Chilean rescue workers have returned to the scene.
According to Paula Yacoubian, the field decision has been handed over to the Chilean team, and the army and Civil Defense will be there for support. She has been informed as well by Gen. Sami Al-Hawyek that the army engineers are inspecting the crumbled building to ensure the safety of the rescue team.