Since last Sunday, April 19th, Lebanon has recorded a total of 34 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, 3 new deaths, and 43 recoveries. The total of infections since the outbreak began in the country is 707, as of the time of writing. The recoveries are now 145 in total, and the fatalities are 24.
The latest data of the Ministry of Public Health shows that the active infections are 538, 44 of which are severe cases.
As of the time of writing, 27,827 tests have been conducted in Lebanon, and there are 1,694 individuals quarantined in hospitals across the country.
COVID-19: What’s happening in Lebanon?
The lockdown was extended again
Lebanon decided that the ongoing general mobilization will continue until May 10th. The Lebanese government revealed that the lockdown’s restrictions will be gradually eased, over the course of two weeks, unless the Ministry of Public Health advises otherwise in the coming days.
New cases in Palestinian refugee camps
The Galilee Palestinian refugee camp in Baalbek confirmed its first COVID-19 case on Thursday, April 23rd, marking the first instance of the disease being recorded in Palestinian camps in Lebanon. Since then, the total of cases in the Galilee camp has risen to 5.
The lowest daily infections count to date
On Tuesday, April 21st, the Ministry of Public Health announced that it had recorded no new cases of the disease between Monday and Tuesday. This was a first since the outbreak began in Lebanon 2 months earlier.
Lebanese expats in Morocco can finally return
The National News Agency reported that Lebanon added a Rabat-Beirut flight to its second stage of repatriation flights. This came after Lebanese expatriates in Morocco requested to return home when there were no scheduled flights from the kingdom to Lebanon. The flight will arrive in Beirut on May 1st.
The Information Ministry launched a new campaign
In collaboration with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and UNDP, the Lebanese Information Ministry launched a COVID-19 awareness plan. The new campaign aims to rebut myths and correct misinformation surrounding the pandemic in Lebanon.
Turkey donated 2 specialized ventilators
The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) recently provided Dr. Abdullah Al-Rassi Hospital with 2 specialized ventilators for newborn babies. TIKA said the initiative was taken to reduce infant mortality by increasing the capacity of the newborn department in the Lebanese hospital.
The University of Balamand transformed its laboratory
The President of the University of Balamand, Dr. Elias L. Warrak, announced that the university has transformed one of its scientific research laboratories into a free PCR-testing facility. Dr. Warrak said the endeavor stems from “the university’s sense of responsibility towards the nation.”
The Lebanese Army is distributing social aid in schools
On Tuesday, April 21st, the Lebanese Army began distributing financial aid to the families of students in official schools, in all Lebanese governorates. The army set up the following 5 phone numbers for inquiries related to the ongoing distribution process:
05/456944 | 05456963 | 05/456976 | 05/956153 | 05/958780
Online education is paused during Ramadan
The Association of Public Secondary School Teachers announced that online classes will halt during the month of Ramadan. The association said that this period will be used to prepare for the “proposed scenarios to end the school year.”
The U.S. donated $13.3 million to Lebanon
On Wednesday, April 22nd, The Embassy of the United States of America in Beirut announced that the US will provide Lebanon with a sum of $13,300,000 to help its health sector fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
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