The Lebanese diaspora has shown great support to the Lebanese revolution since the beginning. Not once have they forgotten about their people or their country.
They could not stay idle when their friends and families are experiencing abuse of power during the protests.
Upon extensive research by Meghterbin Mejtemiin and Tele Thawra on the weapons used against protesters in Lebanon, these groups are now addressing a petition to the French president Emanuel Macron and issuing a call to all the human rights organizations to put a stop to the police brutality.
Despite the peaceful nature of the Lebanese protests, the government decided to repress them with an arsenal of anti-riot weaponry and teargas.
Many have been injured during these acts of oppression. Injuries varied from mild to severe, some of which included limb amputations and eye traumas.
Despite the many major issues facing Lebanon, from the economic hurdle, unemployment, electricity crisis, and so on, the government decided that oppressing the revolution with CM6 grenades, which are military A2 grenades, is more important.
According to Meghterbin Mejtemiin, “These grenades are manufactured by Alsetex, a French company based in Sarthe.”
They also revealed, “Sources confirm that the French government also made considerable donations of these weapons to the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF).”
Their petition is to the French president Emmanuel Macron from the Lebanese people all over the world, asking him to stop helping the Lebanese government in oppressing the Lebanese revolution, and funding the violence against the protesters.
The petition demands that the French government:
- Suspends, and temporarily bans, the trade agreements and sales of police weapons by French companies in Lebanon.
- Stops from donating weapons to Lebanon until the ISF receives proper training and can abide by the internal and international regulations governing the use of police weapons.
- Increases transparency around the sales or donations of police weapons to Lebanon.
All Human Rights organizations are asked to join the call to end police brutality and stop the funding of arms and weapons to the Lebanese government, which are being used on Lebanese civilians.
To know more about the petition or sign it, click here.