The documentary film following Slave To Sirens, Lebanon’s first all-female thrash metal band, won the Jury Award for Best Documentary Feature at the Indie Street Film Festival.
Directed by the acclaimed Moroccan-American filmmaker Rita Baghdadi, the Sirens documentary first premiered at Sundance Film Festival.
The “coming-of-age story” documentary revolves around the ever-changing gender norms in Lebanon as more women are choosing their hobbies/careers over marriage.
The film revolves around the unstable relationship of the band’s two prominent members, Lilas and Sherry, who testify about the hardships of living in Lebanon as citizens and as women.
In recent years, the thrash metal band has been earning more fame while also touring the underground scene of Beirut.
Sirens previously won the Stephen Reis Grand Jury Prize for Outstanding Documentary Feature at the Outfest Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Film Festival.
The documentary was also acquired, along with Warsha, by the Dubai-based producer and distributor Front Row Filmed Entertainment.
As stated by Deadline, Front Row Filmed Entertainment commented that the acquisition of the two films represents the company’s commitment to promoting diverse voices from the Middle East.
You can watch Sirens – Official Trailer here:
Related: Meet The First & Only Lebanese All-Female Metal Band In The Middle East