Less than two weeks after people in some parts of North and Mount Lebanon felt the earth shake, Lebanon’s coastline experiences yet another bout of earthquake tremors.
A 4.7 magnitude earthquake was felt around 10:40 AM in Lebanon, seemingly to have occurred off the coast of Syria, like the last one according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).
Apparently, this was one of a series of earthquakes off the coast of Syria that has been reported in the last 24-hours!
Athough the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) recorded only six quakes in the last 24-hours, some reports on Twitter say that nine earthquakes were felt in Lebanon, and some people are warning that a bigger one will take place soon.
This swarm of earthquakes could be alarming when taking place in the seas or oceans as it can sometimes lead to tsunamis.
However, small earthquakes actually take place frequently and are normally no cause for concern. Lebanese people feel earthquakes every now and then. They are usually minor and rarely cause damage.
The devastating earthquake recorded in Lebanon’s history occurred some thousand years ago, on July 9th, in the year of 551.
It was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake known as the 551 Beirut Earthquake. It triggered a devastating tsunami that affected the whole coast from Tyre to Tripoli. For more about the 551 Earthquake, read here.