The Lebanese Energy Minister, Walid Fayyad, stated in a meeting with President Aoun in Baadba palace, that the country won’t know another fuel penury.
He declared that hydrocarbon products are available on the markets.
As the country has witnessed panic scenes and long waiting lines at multiple gas stations across the country, Minister Fayyad wants to reassure the Lebanese people that the market won’t lack fuel.
He declared during the meeting that his visit with countries of the region to secure gas and electricity were positive, and will bring results in the upcoming months.
“Arabs countries I visited are supporting Lebanon. The communication is continuous to obtain positive results.”
He said wanting to reassure “that the Arab countries are supporting Lebanon and that this latter are integral parts of Arab’s cooperations.”
On October 28th, a deal was reached to receive Jordanian electricity, amidst an unprecedented crisis that led Lebanon to seek external help from Arabs countries.