The Human Environmental Association for Development, also known as HEAD, launched a new initiative to keep the beach in Sidon (Saida), Southern Lebanon, clean.
The “Do the right thing, do not pollute the Med Sea” was launched in collaboration with the Environment Committee of the Archdiocese of Sidon, the Municipality, and the Friends of Zira, who placed an awareness model in form of a sea turtle.
The main aim of this project is to educate local beachgoers to preserve the beach from pollution, including plastic waste, and to protect sea turtles, which have a great presence on Lebanon’s Southern shore.
It is important to note that Sidon has one of the safest beaches in Lebanon to swim in, namely where the Awali River flows into the sea. The water is marked clean and good to very good, according to Lebanon’s National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L).
Related: 24 Cleanest Beaches In Lebanon