With the confidence session scheduled on Tuesday, February 12th, hundreds of Lebanese people are preparing protests all over Lebanon.
Lebanese in Canada, the USA, Spain, Kuwait, and many others have joined the ranks from their locations around the world.
Lebanon has been witnessing many movements in opposition to the confidence session scheduled. In turn, the government has also been preparing anti-protest and anti-riot measures.
It has already set up new barriers in Martyrs’ Square, and the ISF is on alert and already assuming their position around the building.
The statement issued by the Lebanese Army asserts clearly that exceptional security measures are taken in the vicinity of the Parliament and the roads around it.
The state still persists in not hearing nor heeding the voice of the people and obviously intends to hold the confidence vote session against their will.
While the protesters across Lebanon are organizing themselves to make that day “a big one” and many have headed already to Beirut since Monday, one main proclamation is resonating, not only in Lebanon but from the diaspora as well: “No confidence.”
Since the onset of this revolution in October of 2019, the distance has not stopped the Lebanese abroad from joining their voices to their people in the homeland. On the eve of this session, a video from the diaspora went viral.
In a video going viral, expats from numerous cities – Montreal, Florida, San Diego, Toronto, Barcelona, Washington, Amsterdam, London, New York, Madrid, Kuwait, and more – strongly proclaim in all languages: No confidence!
A parliament refused by the people is a parliament that has lost its legitimacy. In turn, it has no right to give legitimacy to a new government; as stated by an expat in the video.
“Indeed, we are not able to take to the street, but that does not mean that we are content,” the expats are saying.
Addressing the government, they stated: “You drove us out of Lebanon and deprived us of our families, but our hearts are in Lebanon, and it beats Revolution. You have no legitimacy, people said their word, and the expatriates also: There is no confidence in this new government.”