Life under the sea is such a mysterious fascination and, under the beautiful blue-green surface of Lebanon’s sea, there is a colorful world that beats with life, mindful of their own business and survival, and mostly at peace, away from the politics of the land.
From playful sea turtles to magnificent jellyfish, Lionfish, and even sharks, here’s a small look into that diverse world that is very much part of Lebanon and that we don’t get to often see and admire.
Sea turtles
Octopus: the alien under the sea
Jellyfish: the sea’s graceful immortal beings
Lionfish: the showy species
Shark, yes, shark!
This is proof to anyone who told you Lebanon didn’t have sharks!
Colorful fish
More lionfish!
Nudibranch aka pretty “sea slugs”
Fangtooth Eel
Goniobranchus annulatus: the species of very colorful sea slug
Hermit crab
Sting ray
More fascinating sights
You can experience Lebanon’s underwater world with these local scuba diving schools.