A lowly father in Tripoli gave up on his 2-year-old daughter, leaving her in the arms of an officer in the army who was present at Al-Nour Square where a protest was taking place.
The father explained that he no longer has a single lira to feed his daughter due to the deteriorating economic conditions – the very same reason protests have erupted across the country.
According to circulating information, the father had another daughter who died because he couldn’t afford to treat her and didn’t want the same fate for his 2-year-old.
In light of the harrowing situation, the father was stopped by authorities and put under investigation.
The latest reports state that the girl was returned to her family and that her father was only trying to send a clear message to the state.
This happened as hungry protesters and riot police clashed in the northern capital. Authorities have been attempting since Monday evening to contain the demonstration, using force against protesters to drive them off.