On Monday, investigative Judge Fadi Sawan received the FBI’s report regarding its probe of the Beirut explosion that devastated the capital city over two months ago.
Sawan is currently waiting for similar reports from French and British explosives experts, reported the NNA, which did not reveal information about the FBI report.
Last week, Jordan delivered its own report with new details of the MS Rhosus, the “ammonium nitrate ship”.
Earlier this month, the local media cited sources within the FBI who said the bureau had reason to consider the blast was not an accident, but a deliberate crime. However, the FBI was quick to deny this.
The FBI joined the investigation in mid-August and left with samples from the explosion after completing their mission in Lebanon.
Months into the investigation, there is still no verdict as to what ignited the chemical material in the port – or if it were an accident or not.
To this day, around 25 people have been detained, including military officers, and port and customs officials. Given the fact that top senior officials knew about the material, the arrests did not offer closure to the Lebanese public.
Foreign investigations will help pinpoint what caused the explosion and determine whether or not the blast was intentional sabotage or merely the result of “a mistake or misestimation about the dangers of the material that exploded,” according to NNA.