In yet another drama revolving around gas stations in Lebanon, a fire broke at Chedrawi Gas Station in Hadath El Jebbeh, North Lebanon, on Monday night, reportedly while a fuel truck was being unloaded, leading to an explosion-like sound.
Members of the Civil Defense rushed to the site to extinguish the fire that broke out inside the gas station and they were soon joined by the Lebanese Army.
They managed to put down the fire. The fuel tanks of the station were spared.
The cause of the fire is yet to be clarified but an investigation has already started. So far, it is claimed to have been caused by some electrical friction in the station.
The brother of the station owner, Ziad Chedrawi, was injured. Calls spread on WhatsApp groups and social media platforms that he was transported to a hospital in Beirut and urgent blood donations were needed.
However, as confirmed by the locals, Ziad suffered a minor injury only and was taken to a hospital in Bsharre. There were no casualties from the fire.
The Lebanese have been living in terror of explosions ever since the Beirut Blast, and several other incidents that occurred afterward in the country.
On Monday, a factory in Burj El-Barajneh exploded, leaving 4 dead and 2 injured. Just two weeks ago, on the night of August 14th-15th, an explosion at a gas station in Akkar killed over 20 people and injured more.
Dramas around fuel continue to unsettle the people of Lebanon, from its price skyrocketing and frustrations waiting for hours in endless queues, to fights and assaults like in the case of the Maghdouche’s incidents.