In response to a report that LBCI aired this week, former minister Wael Abou Faour announced that he would file a lawsuit against the TV news outlet.
Via his Twitter account, Abou Faour wrote on Monday: “I will sue LBCI TV with charges of defamation and slander after the report it presented about the Ministry of Social Affairs…”
“… And if their allegations are proven correct, I will retire from public work. If not proven, I want a public apology in front of the Lebanese [people],” he added.
On Monday, LBCI aired a report titled: “In the [Ministries of] Social Affairs and Works, suspicious performance by Progressive Socialist ministers. Why?”
At the time of writing, the link to the report on LBCI’s website redirects to the website’s homepage, and its video is no longer available on the TV station’s YouTube channel.
Notably, LBCI aired two reports about alleged corruption in other ministries on Monday, in addition to the one about the Social Affairs Ministry that prompted the response from the former minister.
Abou Faour, a member of the Progressive Socialist Party, served as Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Public Health, successively, in the period between 2011 and 2016.
The two other aforementioned LBCI reports shed light on alleged corruption in each of the Ministries of Education and Telecommunications.