Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) MP Simon Abi Ramia lashed out at Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea over his speech on Sunday which FPM deemed as an attack on President Michel Aoun’s presidential term.
“President Aoun does not need a certificate from a collaborator (or agent) with Israel in the 1980s, nor from a conspirator with the Syrian forces against the free areas in the early 1990s, nor from a subordinate to foreign dictates at all times,” Abi Ramia tweeted, referring to Geagea.
Abi Ramia charged that the LF leader was sharpening his dagger against Aoun, the same as he had allegedly sharpened it against his comrades, especially the Christian ones.
Geagea had earlier accused rival parties (FPM) of obstructing the formation of a new government and preparing to block the presidential election.
Political tensions have been increasing between rival parties as Lebanon has entered the constitutional period to elect a new president, and the formation process of a new government formation is “back to square one”.
It is to note that while rival parties with eyes and efforts on the presidential position unleash on each other, the possibility of the election of a new president is waning since no new government has been formed, also due to political contentions.
Meanwhile, the crises in the country remain untackled and continue to dramatically develop with the people bearing the harsh consequences.
Related: Lebanese Parliament Speaker Says The Government Formation File Is Back To Square One.