On Wednesday, France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian voiced deep concerns over the terrible situation in Lebanon during the French Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee meeting.
He announced that he will be visiting Lebanon soon and urged the government to make long overdue and much-needed reforms so Lebanon can get the international financial support it has been striving for.
Le Drian noted that several commitments had been promised during PM Hassan Diab’s first 100-days in office, but that these reforms have not been made.
He listed some reforms for Lebanon, such as working toward transparency, addressing the ailing electricity sector, and fighting corruption.
“France, and the international community around France, will be able to do nothing if the Lebanese do not take the initiatives essential for their start because, today, there is a risk of collapse,” he stressed.
“Help us help you…”
– Le Drian to Lebanon
He stated that France is ready to help but Lebanese authorities must first help France help Lebanon.
Basically, he’s urging the Lebanese officials to show that they want to be helped by starting to take constructive steps (or jumps?) to save their country from its current collapse.
Other friendly countries have also expressed their eagerness to see Lebanon stand back on its feet with urgent reforms.
These attitudes from friendly governments are no different than the outcry we’ve been hearing on the streets from the Lebanese people since October 17, 2019.