Sometimes, during the current lockdown, all you need is an answer to a question that is not so urgent for a doctor’s visit and is not as common as to find its answer online.
Now, thanks to a team of Lebanese physicians, all you need to do in such a case is to fill out an online form and hit submit.
A collaboration between the Lebanese American University’s Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine and the LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital has given birth to LAU Coronavirus Telecare.
The virtual service was launched with the aim of assisting Lebanon in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. This can be done by “safeguarding the health of potential patients” who use the platform to seek professional advice regarding their symptoms.
It also answers general and specific questions and provides information related to COVID-19 in order to strengthen public awareness. The telecare is run by physicians on a voluntary basis and is supervised by LAU’s Division of Infectious Diseases.
To use the service, you fill a simple form on the dedicated webpage, which takes your name and contact information, and asks you to describe the symptoms you’re feeling or state the question you have in mind. Later, a physician should contact you with the proper answer/guidance.
The service is completely free to use and will remain active until the public health emergency comes to an end.
It’s important to note, as the official webpage does, that the LAU Coronavirus Telecare is by no means a replacement of a traditional, in-person consultation.
It is a resource that offers professional medical advice and orientation during the pandemic, and it should be viewed and used as such only.
We have a dedicated coronavirus section where you can find the latest news/updates about the pandemic in Lebanon, inform yourself with WHO-verified resources, and track the number of cases in Lebanon in real-time. Click here.