Remember these paper fans? Hopefully, you own one or can create a makeshift fan, because it’s about to get a lot hotter.
Prepare yourself for some heat on August 5th as generator owners threaten to go on strike, turning off all their engines.
On Monday, the Association of Private Generator Owners announced a strike in protest of the rising fuel prices on the black market.
Demonstrating outside the Energy Ministry on Monday, they demanded a solution to be able to buy diesel at the official rate. They simply can no longer afford that of the black market.
They added that they would immediately take action to begin rationing electricity supply among their clients and gave the government until August 5th to present a solution, otherwise they will shut off all their engines.

The majority of Lebanon’s households -if not all of them- are depending more than ever on backup generators since the government has not been able to supply the country with adequate electricity, due to the fuel shortage.
The Energy Minister has made many promises that the situation will improve, which is not the case.
What’s more is that the government has enforced a strict lockdown, meaning people will most likely be indoors, restless in the summer heat, unable to turn on the AC, fans, the TV, or any electrical appliances, etc… kicking Lebanon back into the old ages.
Under Pressure
The government is under a lot of pressure to respond to the many demands of fed up industry heads, who threaten to plunge the country into a deeper crisis.
Tourism sector heads also warned the government of the “Black Day of Tourism” giving authorities until August 3rd before they shut down all tourist establishments across Lebanon. Granted now the lockdown could postpone this.
In addition, friendly countries are advising the Lebanese government to start making reforms the soonest in order to receive financial support Lebanon so desperately needs.
Till now, we’ve yet to see the government acting upon the gravity of the status quo.
On the bright side, August 4th and 5th are not included in the lockdown, for unknown reasons…
So why not plan a trip to any free beach and socially distance yourself away from humans in the azure Mediterranean waters.