A gruesome crime rattled Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon as Internal Security Forces uncovered details behind what began as a suicide investigation and ended as a murder case.
The ISF launched an investigation into the suicide of a man by the initials A.T. who took his life in front of Rayak Hospital in the Bekaa region.
Authorities started to hear rumors that A.T. had killed his wife, Sh. Gh., of Syrian nationality. It was also apparent that A.T. was an ex-convict with a murderous background.
Upon investigation, authorities found near A.T.’s home, a manhole that was newly covered with a slab of concrete. Inside it, were 5 bags of dismembered body parts. They belonged to his wife Sh.Gh.
Two of his young children (ages 4 and 6) from a previous wife, testified against their father saying that he committed the brutal murder.
He chopped his wife’s body into parts and packed them in bags in front of his kids, then proceeded to dump them in the manhole, before taking his own life.
It is unknown what his motives were or what state of mind he was in… but obviously not a sane one.
There has been no report on whether the children’s mother, A.T’s previous wife, is still around to take care of her little ones, who had been exposed to a horrific crime.
It is uncommon for such types of murders (involving dismemberment of limbs) to take place in Lebanon, or at least be uncovered.