New images have been released by the anonymous hacker group SpiderZ showcasing the inside of the safe-rooms of Al-Qard Al-Hassan, Hezbollah‘s financial institution guised as a charity.

After leaking a list of borrowers and depositors in each division of the association, the group of hackers promised to leak more information later on.

“To anyone who doubts our abilities, here is security footage showing the inside of the safe rooms of Al-Qard Al-Hassan organization,” the hackers tweeted, publishing images of the supposed ‘charity’, which name in Arabic translates to “benevolent loan”.

The US Treasury Department sanctioned Al-Qard Al-Hassan in 2007, accusing it of providing financial support to terrorist organizations and for being part of Hezbollah.
The hacker group released more documents that they claim refutes the statements made by Lebanese banks after they denied having any links to Al-Qard Al-Hassan.