The anonymous hacker group SpiderZ released lists of accounts in Al-Qard Al-Hassan belonging to prominent Hezbollah members after the executive director of the association, Adel Mansour, denied Hezbollah‘s involvement.
“The party has its own money in its organizational work,” Mansour told Hezbollah affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper. “There aren’t any kind of sanctions that have affected the work of Al-Qard Al-Hassan in any shape or form.”
“We don’t have any outside accounts nor anything that links us with any banks,” Mansour emphasized.
However, the fact remains that the US Treasury Department sanctioned Al-Qard Al-Hassan in 2007, accusing it of providing financial support to terrorist organizations and for being part of Hezbollah.
In response to Mansour’s statement of denial, the SpiderZ group posted on their website a list of accounts belonging to the association reportedly featuring Hezbollah‘s operators, as well as units and institutions.
The hackers wrote in their posts, “Al-Qard Al-Hassan Association and its director are lying to their customers as well as to all the Lebanese people.”
They also released the funding inventory of the association’s branches in Borj El Brajneh as well as Machgharah, a small town in the village of Bekaa.
SpiderZ even managed to get a hold of more security footage from inside the Hezbollah bank that claimed to be a charity.