We Lebanese people like to look at our daily problems from a comic point of view. Whether it’s via stand-up comedies, TV shows, blogs, or Facebook pages, laughing off our problems is what we do best. Sareen Akharjalian is a Lebanese cartoonist and also the founder of Ink On The Side, a webcomic.
Using her drawing skills and her sense of humor, Sareen creates comic strips that have a special focus on Lebanese society. She does a great job of showing us what all Lebanese people have in common. Here are 6 comic strips that are very relatable to Lebanese people!
#1 Power cuts
How many times did you think that your refrigerator was not working but it was actually 6:00 PM and there was no electricity? Too many times and you’re certainly not proud of that.
#2 Oily backpacks
All Lebanese moms have found rotten and oily zaatar and labneh sandwiches at least once in their kids’ backpacks!
#3 Types of people you’ll find in dabke lines
#4 New Year’s Eve the Lebanese way
New Year’s Eve is not complete if we do not watch what Layla Abdel Latif or Michel Hayek have to say about the future. And, oh! All fortune tellers end their talks by saying: “The tourism sector will prosper this year in Lebanon”.
#5 Typical Lebanese Excuses 101
“I am not wearing the school’s uniform because there was no electricity to turn on the washing machine”. This is what we used to say to avoid getting in trouble if we were not wearing the highly uncomfortable uniforms. Apparently, we can use the same excuses for work. Power cuts and traffics are beneficial after all!
#6 Romanticizing power cuts
No electricity? No problem! Light some candles and have a date night!