went viral on social media showing a man beating a helpless horse tied to a metal pole in Beb El Tebbeneh, Tripoli. The Lebanese NGOs Animals Lebanon and BETA immediately notified the Ministry of Agriculture. The NGOs were able to locate the stable, identify the abuser, and file a police report. Animals Lebanon and BETA rescued the horse with the help of Judge Dima Dib, the Internal Security Forces, the police station of Beb El Tebbeneh and the Governor of North Lebanon Mr. Ramzi Nohra. The horse abuser was arrested, and the farm will be shut down. The Attorney General for North Lebanon Judge Dima Dib ordered to confiscate another horse from the farm and to deliver the rest of the horses to their owners. An investigation will be conducted to identify the other people who were involved in the crime. The horses are in safe hands now. They are under the guardianship of Animals Lebanon. President Michel Aoun signed the animal protection and welfare law last August. The law states the manner in which animals should be kept. It also mentions how establishments that work with animals should be regulated. These establishments are zoos, pet shops, farms, and others. Kudos to the teams of BETA and Animals Lebanon!