A few weeks ago, Nemr Abou Nassar, the famous Lebanese-American internationally acclaimed artist, called on the entire Lebanese nation to support a unique initiative of his planning aimed at forming a government by the Lebanese people. His idea is quite brilliant. It consists of building a network to identify the new leadership that can bring Lebanon back from the ruins and corruption.
Nemr has been a passionate enthusiast and supporter of the Lebanese Revolution, releasing numerous videos in support. His initiative is giving the Lebanese nation their right to chose their own government.
With the help of other brilliant Lebanese individuals who rushed to volunteer upon his call, Nemr has now managed to set up the first phase of his project.
Many have dedicated their time and expertise to help since he launched the call. If you’ve missed it by any chance, check out his plan: A United Initiative to Form A Government by the Lebanese People (Video). All this work is to see a better Lebanon, and it all starts by identifying who should represent us and govern decently and skillfully our country’s affairs.
Nemr is inviting all Lebanese citizens to submit their candidatures if they believe that they are the most suitable people to be a part of Lebanon’s next generation of representation and have one purpose, which is to serve Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
After applying, candidates have to submit a presentation of themselves and their skills and experiences to the Lebanese people via the initiative’s platform. The website has a tab for the candidates. It keeps track of their scores based on what they have submitted. This score represents the transparency of each candidate.
The next step, after the scores, is all in the hands of the Lebanese people. They are tasked with voting for the candidates according to their qualifications.
Everything about the candidates will be posted online, all information related to that candidate will be visible to everyone. This will allow the Lebanese people to choose who they want and vote for them online.
This platform allows a transparent exposure of the candidates to all Lebanese people, who will then assess them. This will help identify the technocrats that deserve to represent Lebanon and its people.
These candidates will prove their worth to the Lebanese nation through interviews and plans that will be broadcasted live on the website.
The Initiative LB platform is currently receiving applications. If you believe yourself fit to meet the expectations of the Lebanese nation, according to the requirements of the initiative, you may apply here.
Otherwise, you may bookmark it for when the time comes for you to review the candidates and score them.