In its collection, the British Museum in London, England, has scores of artifacts that have belonged to the ancient Phoenicians.
As descendants of Phoenicians, it is interesting for Lebanese to see the items which their ancestors, the original people of their land, once owned and produced, and where they were found.
It’s no shock that these artifacts were found in various locations, from Italy to Iraq, as the Phoenicians were famous traders who also mastered the Mediterranean Sea.
From carved ivory panels and gold accessories to jars, jugs, scarabs, and more, here are just some of the interesting Phoenician artifacts you will find on display at the British Museum.
#1 Sidonian white marble coffin

#2 Gold accessories (earrings, amulet-case, diadem) found in Italy

#3 A carved ivory panel found in Iraq

#4 An ivory panel of a winged sphinx found in Iraq

#5 An ivory horse frontlet (put on the forehead of the horse) found in Iraq

#6 An ivory horse blinker

#7 Glass Amphoriskos from the 6th Century BC – 5th Century BC

#8 Bronze female figurine used as an incense stand found in northern Syria

#9 A Phoenician jug

#10 A Phoenician glass perfume jar found in Italy

#11 A Phoenician scarab seal found in Cyprus

#12 An ivory plaque furniture fitting of a lioness biting an African man

#13 A perfume flask in the form of a hedgehog found in Greece

#14 Glass & gold necklace

#15 Gold and gemstone necklace

#16 Copper alloy statue of Harpocrates

#17 White marble funeral stela inscribed in Phoenician script found in Cyprus

#18 Phoenician carved scarab seal

#19 A Phoenician bronze inscribed arrow-head found in Lebanon

#20 Copper alloy bowl found in Syria

#21 Copper alloy bowl found in Iraq

Many of the ancient artistic creations that Phoenicians produced and traded during their time of prosperity can be seen in museums around the world, where they preserve the rich and illustrious culture of Phoenicia.
For more of these Phoenician arts, visit here. Also, get to know historical Phoenicians whose wisdom and progressive acumens are still influencing the world.