The Internal Security Forces announced on Sunday that they have arrested the head of a criminal gang luring Lebanese residents to Brital, a village located in the Baalbek District, with the offer of selling US dollars in order to rob them.
When arrested, the detainee was reported having in possession a firearm, narcotics, 29,600 counterfeit US dollars, and 9 million Lebanese Pounds.
Upon interrogation, he disclosed that members of his gang lure their victims to the village of Brital by promising them, on social media, to exchange US dollars. They then proceed to rob the individuals of their money, cars, and cellular devices.
He also revealed that they have conducted more than 15 operations.
According to the ISF, there have been several looting operations in the Bekaa region. Therefore, the General Directorate of the ISF is warning against falling victims to similar operations.
The ISF is asking citizens not to be drawn by “almost too good to be true” announcements on social media and stray from fraudulent temptations.