It is said that love conquers it all, even the most difficult obstacles. Countless novels have narrated it, philosophers have spoken about it, and even science has confirmed it.
Today, with the global pandemic locking down people and their plans under strict measures, one happy matter tends to show up here and there around the world to tell us that Life doesn’t intend to stop at that.
Its essence, which we call Love, is ensuring it, and lovers are there to prove it. Marriages are taken place.
And the beauty of that is that couples are letting go of the trivialities and formalities that “normally” surround weddings and are only focusing on what really matters, and what a wedding is really about.
A heartwarming instance of that just occurred at the UN Peacekeeping mission in Lebanon with Fiorella and Vincenzo who decided to disregard all their wedding plans and keep it to the essential to tie the knot.
Fiorella and Vincenzo are both from Italy and were postponing their wedding because of the pandemic.
Love, apparently, couldn’t wait further for the couple to be able to return home. Their plans to get married among their friends and families had to go.
And so it was that they tied the knot while serving with the mission in southern Lebanon. No bridal gown and no tuxedo.
The United Nations took to Instagram to announce it; both soldiers of the UNIFIL peace mission in southern Lebanon just got married.
Judging from the pictures posted by the UN, Fiorella and Vincenzo’s loved ones were able to be present at the wedding vows via video chat and thus shared the couple’s joy on their very special day.
The post received many comments by people congratulating the couple and expressing their admiration regarding the special wedding ceremony.
Fiorella and Vincenzo’s strong love for each other did defeat the unique and tough circumstances.
As we said, Love conquers it all, ….even a global pandemic!