In the latest developments in the Beirut Blast Investigation, Judge Tarek Bitar is preparing to interrogate Lebanese political and security officials, NNA reported on Friday.
He has requested lifting the immunities of several officials. Included in the list of officials are former ministers affiliated with Amal Movement Ali Hassan Khalil and Ghazi Zeaiter.
The pair were previously charged by investigative judge Fadi Sawan but refused to respond to the summon and be questioned.
They instead pushed for the judge’s removal from the case, and Judge Sawan was replaced by Judge Bitar. Such resistance from the officials to cooperate has further delayed the investigation.
Now, in response to the media reports, Khalil and Zeaiter issued a statement stating their willingness to appear before Judge Bitar “to take the necessary measures to reach the truth and determine the responsibilities in this crime.”
Judge Bitar will initiate interrogations for a possible murder felony and a misdemeanor of negligence and failure to act upon knowledge of the ammonium nitrate that was stored at the Beirut Port.