Maya Khazem is a senior student at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the Co-Founder and Director of the Video Chat Initiative for Connected Through Caring (CTC), a project that connects student volunteers to senior citizens.
The program is managed by Khazem and co-founder Kassi Coviello, offering support and motivation to the South Florida elderly community during the COVID-19 pandemic across Palm Beach and Broward counties.
Khazem co-founded the initiative along with student peers Kassi Coviello, Isabella Seferoglou, and Mark Dawod, and mentor Miriam Campo.
Currently, Maya Khazem is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences and aiming to pursue a career in the medical field.
She also serves as the Director of Advocacy, Healthcare Administration, and Public Health in Medicine for the American Medical Student Association and conducts geriatrics research within the university’s College of Medicine.
Her CTC project donates iPads to Florida’s senior community facilities and arranges for 30-minute conversations between students and seniors.
This initiative, founded in April 2020, has also a pen-pal program where a student gets matched with a senior based on interests along with writing letters of encouragement, handmade cards, and a video chat initiative.
Needless to say, Maya Khazem is the representation of the Lebanese youth that are striving worldwide, raising the Lebanese flag wherever they are in the world.