The father/daughter Lebanese duo, Suheil and Mira Sakr, are famous for their songs about topics related to Lebanon.
They recently posted a touching, farewell video before Mira travels abroad to pursue a medical degree.
“You are now deserted, my crippled country,” Suheil addresses Lebanon. “Marmura {Mira’s nickname} is traveling and leaving me all by myself.”
Suheil and Mira speak for most Lebanese families who are in a similar plight.

Lebanon is enduring the worst economic depression in decades. It likely ranks in the top 3 most drastic economic crises in the world.
The population is encountering worsened power cuts, fuel and water shortages, and a sharp deterioration in basic human needs with more than 70% suffering from poverty.
In the midst of its economic collapse, the country’s university students, fresh graduates, and youth have been leaving the country for the past three years in an attempt to find promising opportunities abroad.
The situation has exacerbated after the Beirut Port’s explosion on August 4th, 2020. The Lebanese have been traumatized, many are emotionally numb and mentally drained.
The solution, thus, is to leave Lebanon in an attempt to find a secure country with no ominous future.
The Sakr duo address that in their heartfelt video.
“I know you are heartbroken,” Mira sings to her father. “Curse politics that threw us in this hellhole.”
“Wherever you learn and live, Mira,” the father replies. “You are forever in my prayers.”
Mira promises her father in her song that she’ll be back to him as a doctor in five years as if the promise of her potential high degree could comfort him in her long absence.
And it is the only consolation that Lebanese parents are holding onto as too many of them have been bidding farewell to their children.
This is a heartbreaking duo song of Lebanese father and daughter, a song of farewell and pain which lyrics are no stranger to the weeping hearts of so many parents in Lebanon today.