“Stars of Science” is the leading science show in the Middle East. It features scientists and innovators from the region who are competing for a seed fund that will help them to finance their project. In the 9th season of “Stars of Science,” an engineer named Fouad Maksoud will represent Lebanon with his one-of-a-kind invention. His creation is an electrospinning machine that makes clothes water-proof and bullet-proof. The judges of the show were amazed by this innovation. Fouad graduated from the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the American University of Beirut. Also, he holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. In the next episode of the program, which will be aired on October 14, the judges will announce the top nine contestants who will stay on the show.
When nanotechnology meets medicine
In fact, Fouad is a patent-holder of nanofibrous mesh which includes a system that delivers drugs to wounds, third-degree burns, ulcer, and muscle strain. The four finalists will share a seed fund of $600,000. The final decision will be made by the judges and the public through online voting. So, we will be able to vote for him! You can watch the show on LBC every Saturday at 6 PM and on the
of “Stars of Science.” The finale is on November 25. We wish Fouad the best of luck!