Produced by Knockout Productions and directed by Kenton Oxley and Hassiba Freiha, the Lebanese film Farah is continuing its winning streak in international film festivals.
After it was selected for the Chelsea Film Festival, where it will be screened on Friday, October 14, at the Regal Cinemas Union Square in Auditorium 10, Farah won two awards at the Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival, Egypt.
Starring Stephanie Atala, Majdi Machmouchi, Hassiba Freiha, and Nader Abd Alhay, the film has won the Best Arabic Film and the Best Art Direction awards.
Farah is a psychological thriller focusing on mental health issues and family dynamics in Lebanon and revolves around Lina, a pre-med student, who suddenly starts to experience nightmares.
After she gives up, she decides to see a doctor, who prescribes her Xapa, an antidepressant also known by its illegal form Joy. But despite the support of her best friend, her nightmares get worse.
A link between her and her birth mother Farah appears when Lina starts to discover shocking and hidden family secrets, leading to shattering truth revelations.
The Lebanese film first premiered at the Beirut International Women’s Film Festival and was featured at the 11th edition of the San Diego Arab Film Festival (SDAFF).
Here is Farah‘s Official Trailer: