Directed by the Lebanese-Canadian filmmaker Dania Bdeir, the Lebanese film Warsha is getting more and more acknowledgment at major film festivals around the world.
After finishing among 10 other finalists, Warsha was selected for the Final Ten 25th Annual Short Film Festival, which took place in more than 400 venues around the world.
The latest recognition for the film was in Mexico, where Warsha won its 35th award from the International Short Film Festival, where it was selected by the jury to receive the Best International Short Film Fiction Award.
“We could not be happier knowing that our little film is touching audiences all around the world,” expressed the film’s Instagram page.
The film revolves around migrants’ exploitation and the many social issues a Syrian worker faces in Beirut while trying to express his true identity.
In October 2022, Warsha will be screened in Switzerland, the USA, France, Romania, Ireland, Sweden, the UK, Italy, Cyprus, Denmark, New Zealand, Slovakia, Germany, Taiwan, Australia, and Spain.
Related: Meet The Acclaimed Lebanese-Canadian Filmmaker Dania Bdeir