The scientific head (a.i.) of the lab of atmospheric chemistry at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Imad El Haddad, won the Schmauss Award 2022 during the International Aerosol Conference, which took place in Athens, Greece.
The Schmauss award, which is named after the physicist and meteorologist August Schmauss, is awarded to recognize outstanding research contributions in the field of atmospheric aerosol science.
The Lebanese Imad El Haddad was honored with this award for his major contributions to atmospheric aerosol chemistry and its effect on health and climate.
His work is mainly focused on the impact of human emissions on the composition of the atmosphere as he developed many online and offline techniques to characterize the aerosol composition and the sources in environments from the Arctic to China.
He has also redefined the atmospheric aging of complex emissions through smog chamber experiments at PSI in the CLOUD experiment.
Imad El Haddad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the Faculty of Science at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). In 2007, he obtained a Master’s degree in analytical chemistry, reactivity, and modeling from the University of Provence, France.
Four years later, he obtained his Ph.D. in atmospheric chemistry at “Laboratoire Chimie Provence” from the same university. Currently, he is the scientific head (a.i.) at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Geneva, Switzerland.