The Lebanese Minister of telecommunication finally
on Wednesday. Minister, Jamal Jarrah, was welcomed by Ogero’s director general, Imad Kreidieh.
Welcome to Twitter Minister @Jamal_Jarrah1
— Imad Kreidieh (@ikreidieh) 27 April 2017
The team of @Ogero_Telecom & myself are proud to be part of this digital community. We are sure you will be too. @Jamal_Jarrah1
— Imad Kreidieh (@ikreidieh) 27 April 2017
Some sarcastically made jokes: Translation: ” #MinisterofTelecommunication discovers Social Media”
@ikreidieh @jamal_jarrah1 #وزير_الإتصالات يكتشف التواصل الإجتماعي@jamal_jarrah1
— Mohammad Omeish (@mohdomeish) 27 April 2017
Others are hopeful that the Minister, just like many others, will use Twitter and social media as a way to engage with the citizens. However, the Minister doesn’t seem to have responded to any tweets in the 2 days since he joined Twitter. Instead, the account is used to tweet updates about where he’s going and who he’s meeting. Like meeting the Lebanese Forces leader, Samir Geagea:
وزير الاتصالات #جمال_الجرّاح اثناء لقائه رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع في معراب امس
— Jamal Jarrah (@jamal_jarrah1) 26 April 2017
Meeting with Robo Builders who won 2nd place in America for mechanical design:
اثناءاستقبال وزيرالاتصالات #جمال_الجراح والنائب زيادالقادري فريق Robo Builders اللبناني الذي احرزالمركزالثاني في أميركا للتصميم الميكانيكي
— Jamal Jarrah (@jamal_jarrah1) 26 April 2017
As well as various other meetings:
لقاء وزير الاتصالات #جمال_الجراح،وزير الثقافة غطاس خوري والنواب زياد القادري،انطوان سعد،امين وهبي،عاصم عراجي مع مفتي زحلة والبقاع خليل الميس
— Jamal Jarrah (@jamal_jarrah1) 28 April 2017
لقاء وزير الاتصالات #جمال_الجراح،وزير الثقافة غطاس خوري والنواب زياد القادري،انطوان سعد،امين وهبي،عاصم عراجي مع مفتي زحلة والبقاع خليل الميس
— Jamal Jarrah (@jamal_jarrah1) 28 April 2017
He also tweeted his participation in the reopening of a small castle in Anjar in the presence of the Minister of Culture and Tourism:
#الوزير_الجراح مشاركاً في اعادة افتتاح القصر الصغير في قلعة عنجر في حضور وزير الثقافة غطاس خوري ووزير السياحة اواديس كيدنيان
— Jamal Jarrah (@jamal_jarrah1) 28 April 2017
Earlier this year, the Minister said that they are working on reducing the cost of internet and telecom services. During an interview on Voice of Lebanon, he indicated that work is underway to operate through fiber optics. Once functioning, the 4G service will be available to subscribers nationwide. We really hope, instead of having his team update us with his day to day life, that he uses the platform to connect and engage with the people by answering their questions and addressing their concerns. As well as keeping us updated with the work that they are doing. Follow us on Twitter: