For the past few weeks, the Lebanese have been anxiously watching their capital’s silos on constant fire. The residents of the area as well as people riding by have had to deal with the smells and the sight, both poking on their lingering trauma of the Beirut Blast.
On social media, the Lebanese have been raging and expressing their fears of another collapse, which ultimately just happened today, in part.
Controversial statements and opinions clashed on Twitter, all with two common denominators: fear and frustration.
Here are some of these pertinent reactions:
“There is no fire in the world that is impossible to put off,” Twitter user Sarah Khazem commented. “[The government] is leaving the silos to burn and filling the area with fear of its collapse…”
This next Twitter user had a different perspective on the situation. In her opinion, the silos must be removed. “I don’t think there’s any need for the silos now. Just as we revived central Beirut out of the ruins and the wreckage, it should be done the same with the port, with the construction of a symbolic statue at the site of the crime/explosion!”
A video was shared by Twitter user Zeina Bazzi, captioned: “A new video showing the size of the fire in the silos, which expanded to the columns in the northern side.”
The comment of the Twitter user Rachid Idriss below reflects the frustration of most people who are having enough of this situation:
As for the lawyer Jimmy Francis, he unleashed criticizing the authorities in his tweet, saying:
“Close the windows and wear masks in case the silos collapse.
No electricity, no water, no air, the temperature can cut your breath, and the people, especially the elderly, are not able to leave their homes.
And they tell you, those I previously named and others, that the fire doesn’t affect the structure of the silos.
Woe to you from God.
Despicable criminal authority!”
The silos of the Beirut port appear to be going down in Lebanon’s history as another symbol of negligence and inability to deal with major issues and crises. These always seem as being left to be resolved on their own, whatever the cost.
Related: Breaking: Part Of The Beirut Port Silos Just Collapsed (Video).