For Labor Day, Divvy decided to surprise one of their best employees with a trip to Greece. They told Eddy, the waiter, they are filming a documentary so he wouldn’t think twice about the cameras. Eddy is a first-year hospitality management student. They show him serving the CEO, his wife (we assume) as well as the marketing manager. As per protocol, Eddy shared with the table his name, what he likes to do as well as where he wants to travel. To which he said Greece. When they asked if he’s ever been, he said no and revealed that he has never had the chance to travel ever. At that moment, they handed him over a wrapped gift. Which contained an oversized boarding pass to Greece for him and a person of his choice. You really can tell how a business treats their employees based on how happy they seem when you walk into the store. Divvy is definitely one of those places. It’s great to see them reward Eddy like that!